Tag Archive: fire

I made something in the kitchen today other than a small fire.

I know, you’re proud. I can hear your applause right now.

Now, this is something we usually only make in the fall, but, dude, I got home from work tonight and was like I NEED PUMKIN CAKE RIGHT NOW ASAP so I just fuckin’ did it. And let me tell you, it’s as good as I remember from November.

I didn’t think to take pictures while I was in the process of actually making it, but when I went to eat it, I decided it was too good to just hoard and not share with you.  So, here, my friends, is a delicious recipe for a lovely fall dessert.

(It just isn’t seasonally appropriate anymore, but whatevs, I still dig it.)


  • 1 can Evaporated Milk
  • 3 Large Eggs
  • 1 ¼ tsp Cinnamon
  • ½ tsp Nutmeg*
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1 can Pumpkin (13 oz)
  • 1 pkg Yellow Cake Mix
  • ½ cup butter (softened/melted)
  • 1 carton Cool Whip (or other whipped topping)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Mix evaporated milk, eggs, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, sugar, and pumpkin in a bowl.  Pour mixture into a greased and floured 9 x 13 pan.
  3. Mix cake mix with ½ cup melted butter.
  4. Crumble cake/butter mixture on top of pumpkin mixture.
  5. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
  6. Let cool.
  7. Serve with Cool Whip (or other whipped topping).
  8. ZOMG Yum!

Oh, heavens to Betsy, No! You MUST add the Cool Whip! It’s just not the same without it!!

Oh, yes, yes, yes!! That’s the ticket!!

Excuse me while I go enjoy my pumpkin cake!!

*”Oh, Meg, my little flower, my little bird, my little Nut Meg!”

Name that movie!!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!!

Well, I got my car washed today.

This was stupid on a few accounts:

1.)    Hi, I live in Michigan where it snows, like, every day. My car is going to get covered in snow and salt and slush and dirt and all kinds of crazy shit in less than a day. Dumb.

2.)    Some of the simplest parts of the process of the carwash confuse me

  1. I never know when to put my car in neutral
  2. I feel like an idiot when I ask when I’m supposed to put the car in neutral

3.)     The carwash scares the hell out of me.

4.)    I was by myself and the carwash scares the hell out of me.

I know I’ve talked about this before, but seriously, it’s as relevant today as it was then.

Now, in my recent history with going through the carwash, I have had someone in the car with me to distract me from my meltdown.  Actually, I can really only recall my family and Megan going through the carwash with me in recent history, and those times include my family and Megan mostly just laughing hysterically at me and doing nothing to help me chill the fuck out.


I’d say it’s an irrational fear, but I’m pretty sure I understand the reasoning behind this fear I have. So, I won’t say it because then it would be false.

It pretty much all goes back to how I constantly worry I’m going to die.

Oh, and confined spaces kinda freak me out.

Oh, and I really don’t like how it gets all dark and my car is moving magically by itself (WHAT’S THAT ABOUT?!!?) and the noise the washy things make and how the blow-dryers spew fire to get rid of the water.

ZOMG Creeps!

Just imagine if for some reason the magic spell broke and my car stopped moving but I couldn’t move my car because all the washing rolly things were all in my way and I couldn’t even see because the wipey things were covering all my windows and mirrors and then something went wrong that caused the blow-dryers to blow their fire too fiercely that made the fire spread and feed off the chemicals in the soap and water did nothing to stop anything and then the garage doors closed due to some type of malfunction and I died of carbon monoxide poisoning because my car was still on and I was not even aware that the doors were closed.


At least then all of you little dickholes who make fun of me for being scared of the carwash would feel really guilty because it turned out all my worst fears about it came true.

Today is July 4th.

That means that it’s Independence Day here in the lovely United States of America. The Land of the Free.

I learned yesterday on the conference call at work that 26% of American’s have no clue what that means.

The question posed to all of us yesterday on the call was “What percentage of Americans do not know what country the United States gained their independence from?” and the girls at work were like “KATIE!”, which meant I was to un-mute our phone and chime in with my answer, which was 24%. Because I just know random stuff like that. I didn’t chime in. But other people did, and they threw out answers like 76% and 5%  because they obviously lack the weird trivia knowledge I have been blessed with. But whatever, I was like, “it’s probably, like, 24% or something.” And then he told us the answer.


What the fuck? How does that happen?!

That is more than a quarter of Americans. One in 4 Americans have no effing idea. THE HORROR!

That’s just appalling. Because you knowww that it is precisely that 26% of Americans that celebrate this day hardcore. They’re the ones riding their John Deere mowers in their town’s 4th-Of-July Parade. They’re the ones who are grilling out and eating massive quantities of potato salad (yum, by the way!). They’re the ones who have more than one cooler filled with American-made beer in their back yard, on their boat, in their kid’s stroller, their golf bag, the plastic pool intended for small children (or family pets). That 26% dresses in red, white, and blue, buys illegal fireworks and blows shit up because it’s freakin’ independence day!

But that 26% has no clue that it was Great Britain. Idiots.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about something else that is important.

I was thinking this morning after reflecting on a particularly disturbing dream (read: free willy eats family friend- sad times!).  Marine creatures kinda freak me out. And I remembered that Brittany, aka the best character on Glee, made a comment about sharks and dolphins. I think she said “did you know dolphins are just gay sharks?”  I’m convinced she’s right.

All of this led me to this conclusion:

Manatees are just retarded dolphins.

Happy 4th of July, my lovelies! 🙂

Please be safe- don’t blow your hand or face off and don’t drink and drive!