Tag Archive: katy perry

Because my life is pretty much consumed by homework right now, at least until I leave for (and return from) Europe, and because my computer is sick and no longer in my possession, I have turned to mind-numbing movies to fill the silence.  I can’t focus when things are too quiet.  I have to have background noise when I do homework. Actually, I pretty much require background noise always, but that is neither here nor there. My point is that I have “watched” a lot of musicals this week.

Usually, I use my iTunes to enhance my homework time.  I have an entire playlist dedicated to instrumental music.  It includes original scores to some of my favorite movies and the classics, you know, Mozart, Pachelbel, Beethoven, Brahms. Usually, if I listen to words in songs, I’ll sing along rather than actually absorb whatever information I’m reading.

It was a little weird at first, not having my computer with my iTunes to help lull me into the homework zone.  I started by playing the Harry Potter movies sequentially.  Those are movies that I can have in the background and effectively complete my econ homework but that I can also easily get sucked into watching.  Luckily, when I sat down with the intent to do homework, the movies weren’t distracting. In fact, I am so familiar with the scores to each of the movies that not only did I find myself quoting the lines of the movie, I also found myself humming along to the music in the background of each scene.  Nerd alert!

Last night, like the cool person that I am, I sat down to write my discussion questions for Econ and a website review for my Finance class, I decided that I should put in a musical, that way I wouldn’t be too tempted to sit and actually watch the movie.  I started with Mamma Mia and then moved onto the High School Musical Movies.

I didn’t think this would be problematic. I thought that since I’m so familiar with the HSM movies, I would be able to tune out and not care about what was happening on screen.

No such luck.

The HSM movies are so appalling to me that I sit and watch and giggle to myself at how ridiculous they are.  (Obviously, this does not negate the fact that I own all three on DVD, can quote each movie, and know all the words to every single song.) I may be 23 years old, but I can’t help but love Disney.

This led me to think about how awesome Disney Channel Original Movies were when I was younger.  I grew up with Even Stevens and Lizzie McGuire; I know those aren’t movies but I loved them nonetheless. I lived for the Zenon Trilogy. Ryan Merriman was my teenage dream, with Smart House and Luck of the IrishStep-Sister from Planet Weird was awesome. I look(ed) forward to Halloweentown every single October.  I didn’t even really like the Thirteenth Year, but I watched that shit every single time I saw that it was on.  I cried when I watched Tru Confessions and told anyone who would listen that Shia LaBeouf’s performance was beyond excellent.

Dude, what happened to the youth of America? Why is everything (with the exception of Wizards of Waverly Place) on the Disney Channel so fucking stupid?!

I guess I’ll just continue watching High School Musical 3: Senior Year as I begin my never-ending finance homework.  Nothing like financial risk to get the mind racing and the blood pumping!

This summer may very well be my busiest one yet.

Not that I’m complaining or anything. Of course.

I thought I would share with you, my friends, just a few things I am obsessed with lately.  I usually throw in, like, one or two examples in any given post, but I don’t see why I can’t just put the major ones in one place for you. You know, in case you want to be exactly like me and like all the same things I do.  If that’s the case, then, DUDE, it’s your lucky day!!

Dance Music

I’m obsessed with my itunes playlist for when I workout.  I add to it constantly and spent a lotttt of time putting songs that put me in the zone into one place.  There is nothing worse than sweating your butt off to Ke$ha’s “Blow” for the song to end and segue into a slow jam like “Not Like the Movies” by Katy Perry. Don’t get me wrong- I LOVE Katy Perry, but I cannot keep my heart rate up if a song with less than, like, 120 beats per minute.  I got some ideas from searching online for fitness playlists, and Shape Magazine’s website proved to be pretty helpful.  Another thing I did was use my library’s website to find mix CDs of songs I like that were remixed for “the club”- which means that a techno-y beat was added and they’re usually sped up quite a bit.

S&M Remix

This gets its own bullet point because it’s just THAT good.  As you can see from above, I’m currently listening to Rihanna’s S&M Remix with Britney Spears. Oh. My. Gawd. I cannot get enough.  I listen to it on repeat and can’t stop.

You must purchase it on itunes.  Don’t illegally download that shit. I don’t believe in it (when it’s an artist I like).

Harry Potter

I am sure I have probably shared this with you before, but I am rereading all of the Harry Potter books.  And by “rereading” I mean “listening to them on CD because I’m too lazy to actually read and I enjoy listening to books in the car since my drive to work is 40+ minutes.”

I’m currently listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  Every single day, I listen and I just can’t believe how amazing these books are. Every single day, I am amazed by how much I had forgotten. Every single day, I get angry that so much is cut from the movies.  Every single day, I send angry text messages to Drew about that fact. Every single day, I try to work in Harry Potter vocabulary into my everyday lexicon.  For example, I used the following sentence today:

“Ohhh it makes me want to crucio the movie makers!”

See? I would totally unforgivable-curse the shit out of the powers that be in Hollywood that decided that the Harry Potter movies shouldn’t be like 8 hours long and shouldn’t include all the awesome little details I love about the books.  No big deal.  A lifetime in Azkaban for using an unforgivable curse? I guess since it would benefit the greater good, I could take the fall for that one.

Ron + Hermione = ❤

Yeah, I’m a huge nerd.

I don’t care what you think of me but I think that the two of them are just adorable. If you ‘ship anything other than Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny, you’re retarded and we can’t be friends.  I mean, go ahead and do whatever you want, but know there will be consequences.

They’re just too adorable for words.

Love love love!!

The Office

I’ve been watching it on DVD lately and hate myself for not getting into it when it first aired back when I was just a baby in high school. Okay, so that’s obviously the reason I never got into it. That and I tend to jump on board to things way after the fact. Oh well.  All that matters is that I’ve seen the light and love it now.

I just finished the fifth season on DVD and now have to wait forever and ever for my library to let me watch season six, since I’m, like, 16 or 16 holds. No big deal, I’ll just watch it in four months. I’m not mad.

I should also mention this: subset of this obsession can be my love of Jim and Pam on the show and just my general adoration of John Krasinski.  He is a chunk of nerd-alert, awkward-face-making, man-sass sexiness.

That Emily Blunt is one lucky bitch.

Mmmkay, guys.  There are five of several hundred obsessions that I have.  Please make a note of these and brush up on these things.  That way we will have lots to talk about and you can truly begin your mission of becoming just like me, because I know that’s what you’re working towards in life.

Oh, ps. I’m also in a really good mood right now because I just took my final for class and now the hell that I endured for the past seven weeks is officially behind me. Win. Win. Win. (#charliesheen #winning)

“wet my pants” “ten years old”


That was a search term that led someone to my blog.

I scanned through the rolodex in my head of topics I’ve written about on my blog. Wetting my pants is not something I remember writing about.

This makes me wonder why “wet my pants” has led someone to my blog.

That does remind me, though, of a couple unfortunate moments of incontinence.

Like that time me and my cousin, who is eleven years older than I am, decided it would be a great idea to run around my childhood neighborhood like ninnys and deface my neighbors’ Christmas decorations. We made all the reindeer on our street mount each other. We were a block away from my house and we had been laughing really, really hard. I went to run back towards home after messing around with another set of reindeer. Then I felt like I couldn’t hold it. So I hid behind a tree and told Angie to stop making me laugh. But then I really couldn’t hold it anymore. My kegels were doing all they could and it didn’t measure up to how badly I had to pee.

I was a freshman in college.

The most recent, and probably most embarrassing, moment was when Rob, Leah, Megan and I traveled to Chicago for Leah’s birthday my senior year of college.

That was the same weekend trip that I forgot to pack pants.

So our first full day in Chicago, we went shopping and I bought some jeans from H&M. We had a glorious day.

That night, we all got dressed and ready to go and Megan realized she lost her ID. Probably on our trip to buy alcohol. But it was lost nonetheless. So she didn’t even get to go out with us to celebrate Le Le’s  birthday.

Rob, Leah and I did, though, and we had a good time.

Rob had a good time until he had to rally Leah and I into the cab for the ride home by himself. She and I were kind of out of control and when we were close to our stopping point, Rob called Megan in for back-up.

Megan met us at the corner and I was a gigglebox.

While Rob was trying to get Leah to stop digging in the trashcan on the corner of the road and shouting at nothing in particular with a Cyndi Lauper accent, Megan was trying to talk me out of the snow bank I felt into. But once again, laughter got the best of me. And Megan kept telling me that the mysterious hickey on my neck was not a bruise, like I had been calling it (because, let’s get real, how old are we?! Sure, drunken PDA in a bar is tacky but we aren’t in middle school anymore. Hickeys are not acceptable- ever). We were laughing so hard, and every time I tried to explain that a snowball had hit my neck in the same spots a few times causing me to bruise, Megan replied, “That’s not a bruise, homie” and it made me laugh really, really hard.

And that’s when I wet my brand new pants in a snow bank on the street in Chicago.

There ya go, search engines and random internet searchers. You go right ahead and search for “wet my pants” and I’ll be happy to share those stories with you.

During a facebook chat conversation this evening, I said the following to my dear friend Megan:

i wanna see your peacock

Now, this could mean many things. You may not think so, but I can give you at least three different scenarios right now:

  1. She recently came to own a peacock and I was expressing my desire to introduce myself to her new pet.
  2. I was listening to the Katy Perry song entitled Peacock and “singing” to her.
  3. Innuendo. (Even though Megan is definitely a lady and doesn’t even a have a peacock.)

Even though I sincerely wish it was 1 that was the truth, it was really 2.

are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?

After I told her I wanted to see her peacock, she told me, “that is a very personal comment.”

This made me realize something: there are many personal things shared between friends. Obviously, you talk and share secrets and shiz. And I would say that my group of friends is pretty…. personal. We’re super close.

Not in a dirty way. (No homo.) Just… in a we’re-all-really-close-friends-and-lack-boundaries-now-at-this-point-in-our-friendship kind of way. I wonder when that started. But honestly, for as long as I can remember, it’s been like that. Although, I can also honestly say that my friends now seem to just ignore my I don’t like to be touched rules. Like, to the point where it’s not really an issue for me anymore. I’ve come to accept that I’m going to hug Leah awkwardly when I see her, I’m going to be tackled when reuniting with a friend I haven’t seen in a couple months, my boobs will be touched by hands that don’t belong to me, Alecia will smack my ass whenever she feels like it, when we’re out at the bar I will grind up on my girls and they’ll grind right back.

It’s a fact of life.

I then wondered if all groups of friends were like this. You know, personal.

I would assume so. But, gosh, you just never know!

So I started thinking about my other group of girlfriends. I would say that we are pretty personal in the things we discuss. We’re not the kind of friends I have from home and from college, and stuff, but we’re friends all the same. We do, however, spend the entire week together and that just makes us close by default. We talk every day. About pretty much everything.

I mean, the things we discuss are pretty personal. I mean, we for realz talk about everything. We talk about food and candy and things I won’t eat (blue!) and things I’ve never eaten (corn dog!).  We also talk about sex. And boys. And babies. And bowels. And our frustrations, the joys in life and Glee.

It’s just a different kind of close.

For example, while my closeclose friends may share all of those things as well, they would not at all apologize for reaching out and grabbing a little bit of boob as they tried to pull something off my shirt. But my other friends totally apologize when doing that.

I guess it’s just different strokes for different folks.

I kind of love how wildly inappropriate we are, though, so I wouldn’t change a thing!

How close are you to your friends? Do you lack boundaries like my group of friends?

Chokehold (is that what this move is called?!) in the middle of the dance floor in the basement of a fraternity? No big deal.

Oh hey everyone.

Here’s this week’s Sunday list:

1.) A car drove through the wall of my town’s library?

2.) I finally got to pick up the stuff I had waiting for me at the library today. The hole in the brick wall was covered by some wooden boards. It looked really, really safe/cute.

3.) Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, and Sara Bareilles sing directly from my own heart.

4.) I spent the entire day packing while hungover.

5.) The movers come tomorrow morning at 8am and the house is like… not done being packed up into boxes and shiz.

6.) I’m so excited for my hair appointment on Thursday.

7.) I really need Eclipse to be out on DVD. Like, yesterday. I watched New Moon one night last week and had many, many thoughts and a few questions. And luckily Erica understands how my brain works and didn’t even judge me for this gem: “And I’m fairly certain that Ashley Greene is a douche in real life so it’s fitting that she and Joe Jonas are togeth. They can be douchelords together.” Nor did she judge me for this one: “Why the fuck is Jasper so creepy?!” Or this one: “What is Esme’s importance in the saga? What does she bring to the table other than serving as a positive role model?” And this: “Also, Edward and Bella’s relationship is sooooo unhealthy.” And, finally, this most important thought: “Jacob is just too cute!”

I know. I need an Intervention.

8.) I found this while looking for my New Moon related texts I sent to Erica. I found this. And it’s the truth, so I’ll share this one too: “I really feel like I’m the dark and twisty Meredith and not the bright and shiny one. And it’s weird that I changed from Cristina to Meredith, but I just know I’m Meredith now.”

9.) I’m really tired.

10.) I had to perform the Heimlich Maneuver today!!! And I wanted to cry! It was scary. And the whole experience just reinforced the fact that I definitely do not possess the quality of “grace under fire” so the poor soul who ends up with me better possess that otherwise my life will be a mess.

Well, here’s to hoping that Tuesday brings more “together” me. I’m hoping to have some pictures of the move as it is in-progress to show you how things are going. Until then, my loves… until then. 🙂


1.) Last night was a top night.

a.) started drinking perhaps wayyy to early.

b.) drank wayyyy too much

c.) the real question is what didn’t I drink last night?

d.) poor life choices were made.

e.) I’m a little embarrassed by my behavior.

f.) it was awesome.

2.) I spent almost the entire day on the living room couch, watching Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip on dvd that I got from the library. I got up to shower, brush my teeth, and get something to eat with my dad.

3.) My head hurts still. And my throat hurts a little bit. I hope I’m just hungover and not getting sick for real

4.) This weekend went by too quickly.

5.) Tailgate is still my favorite fall activity.

6.) I hate that tomorrow is Monday.

I am really, really sorry for this list today.

This list is really bad. But I just can’t think. It’s hard to put words together to form complete thoughts.

Here are a few new-founded obsessions:

1.) 30 Rock— I requested season one from the library after I watched the Emmys. They didn’t win a bunch of shit this year like they’ve won in years past but I decided I needed to hop on the bandwagon anyway. With my requesting of 30 Rock, I requested season one of United States of Tara, Mad Men and something else. I can’t remember. I really, really love 30 Rock.  I sit by myself and watch it and just giggle. I love all of the guest stars. And how outrageous all of it is. Not to mention my girl crush on Tina Fey. And I really just love Alec Baldwin. I never thought I’d say that, but I just really do.

2.) Katy Perry— I finally bought Teenage Dream. I requested it from the library and was like 7,542 of 7,856,4895,156. I was going to have to wait forever to get it. So, I finally broke down and bought the album.  I couldn’t stand not owning it. I love it so much. I love every song.  It’s amazing. She’s gorgeous, and I love the video of Teenage Dream. Her giant eyes are amazing.  I love all of it.

3.) College Football Season— I just love it for tailgate season. Make your own judgments about me.

4.) Llamas— Yes, this is an ongoing obsession but I didn’t want the list to only be three things.  My mom and I went to Llama Fest at  MSU today. Every Labor Day Weekend, Llama Fest visits the MSU Pavilion. It’s awesome. It reeks like farm animals and I dry heave the second we walk inside, but the creepy giant eyes on those majestic, twitchy creatures are magnificent.  Llamas (and alpacas) make this little humming noise. I don’t know what it means but my mom and I went up to every llama pen and started humming at them. Some looked scary so we walked away quickly but other times the llamas came close and hummed back. I want a llama.

Enjoy your holiday weekend, everyone!!!