Tag Archive: grey’s anatomy

It was never really a mystery to us why it seemed like our entire floor in the dorms in college hated us.

Sarah and I lived in the room at the very end of the hallway. Our perfect square of a room was the gathering place every Thursday night to watch The OC and later Grey’s Anatomy. Our room was the meeting place of the whole group of us for those three or four nights a week we went out to parties. And later, our sophomore year of college, our room was next door to two of our good friends, whose room would blare with the latest Justin Timberlake song or One Republic’s “Apologize” before it was cool and overplayed on the radio.

We did dumb shit, like dress up like the some cracked out version of the Spice Girls and sing really, really loudly after 2 in the morning. You know, when the whiners on our floor were sleeping, and had been since 11 pm.

As a group, we’re loud. I mean, I scream and screech a lot, I laugh loudly, and I shout when I’m happy or excited. Multiply that by at least four and you’ve got my core group of friends in college. And we were together constantly.

Add in the fact that we lived in an all-girls dorm. In the really, really old dorms. As in, I lived in the same dormitory my grandmother lived in. The same dormitory my mother lived in. It’s old. We also lived in the dorm mostly populated by the college of music kids. They’re all artsy and hipster-y and obviously too smart and better than us to get loud and crazy all the fucking time, like we did. The best part about our dorm is that it was the closet to the street with all the bars on it. And it was relatively close to a lot of the off-campus housing and greek life. (And let’s get real: I loved me some fraternity parties before I was of the legal drinking age.)

I think this photo adequately demonstrates the potential Le Le and I have when it comes to getting crazy. lolz (Ps. Le, does that headband look familiar? bahaha)

My point is, our floor hated us.

We were constantly hushed and asked nicely to be quiet. And when all else failed, we were told on. When we realized that the RA’s were about to come bust us, we’d quickly finish the shot glass full of five o’clock vodka on Leah’s or my desk, turn the music off, grab our coats and fly out the door.

I mean, we didn’t want to get written up. Again. Or have to pour our alcohol down the bathroom sink. Again.

Even when we weren’t drinking (illegally) in the dorms, we were loud. And probably really, really obnoxious. I’ll leave you with this one memory I have, a memory that really reinforced the fact that everyone on our floor just did not get me, or my friends.

You know how in college dorms there are all kinds of random-ass signs for random-ass shit? Like, sign up for ballroom dancing in one of the rooms by the cafeteria, or do you need a tutor for some really hard singing class you’re taking? Well, I can’t remember why we decided to make a sign but one night we did, and we hung it on the walls all over our hallway, and all of the doors to the bathrooms, and the mirrors, and the door to the stairs.

It was a nice sign. It didn’t ask anyone to donate their first born to some demonic cult or require anyone to spend any money on anything. It was just a nice little sign to remind people to have a good day and to provide a little pick-me-up. Sometimes people just need that. Classes are hard. It’s really hard to walk fifty feet to a building across a nice little field to go sing for a couple hours a day. And it gets cold in Michigan.  And sometimes blowing off class on a Friday to play Ultimate Frisbee in Adam’s Field is just really… hard. So we posted our sign to let people know we cared.

Our sign was not appreciated. When we woke up the next morning, every single sign had been torn down and thrown away.

The people on our floor were dicks. And they hated us.

So Drew mentioned to me this past weekend that he was starting Grey’s Anatomy from the beginning.

We’ve done this before. We own all of the seasons on DVD and we have watched every single episode. More than once.

I know I’ve talked about this before, but I am telling you: I am Meredith Grey.

Drew disagreed with me for a moment today when we were talking and he cited one fact that would make it so Meredith Grey and I were not the same person. In the third or fourth episode of the season, the one where George and Izzie unpack Meredith’s mom’s surgery tapes. And Meredith had had a bad day and came home and was all kinds of pissed off. And George goes, “I ordered chinese food.” and Meredith shouts, “I HATE CHINESE FOOD!”

I would never do that.

I just wouldn’t.

But the thing is, at the very beginning of the show, Meredith isn’t that dark and twisty yet. Meredith is just normal, but with a side of cynicism. It’s Derek who ruins her. He’s the one who makes her go all dark and twisty. Okay, yeah, her avoidance behavior was always there. And she was kinda shut off, but he pushed her over the edge.

Derek is all bright and shiny and practically perfect every way (much like Mary Poppins, apparently). He’s all optimistic about love and thinks that people can and will be together forever. He has faith in love.  That’s just something I don’t understand. He thinks marriage is real. Or, rather, that it’s more than a “cute idea,” which is my reaction to that word. He totally loves her and she just doesn’t even know what to do with that. Well, until she becomes bright and shiny too. Whatever.

Don’t hate me ’cause I’m not bright and shiny.

I feel like it’s a positive change that I went from Cristina to Meredith, though. This change still baffles me. I just recall watching Grey’s Anatomy on DVD in the dorms with the girls and it’d be like OH EM GEE, YOU’RE SOOOO IZZIE  or “you’re totally meredith! tee hee hee!!” But then it would come to be my turn and errrbody would look at me and be like OKAY, CRISTINA! and I was always like uhm yeah, that’s awesome ’cause Cristina is a badass. Like, I didn’t realize what an emotionally stunted freak she was. Lolz. (This whole post is ridiculous. I know that.)

Anyway, I have gotten sucked back into Grey’s Anatomy. It’s Drew’s fault. Because now I’m just going to give specific reasons now as to why I’m all dark and twisty and tell myself that relating to a tv show on such a personal level like I already do is totally normal.

I already cite stuff that happens on Grey’s Anatomy as fact or real life.

Do you have a character you relate to on a crazy level, like I do?! What show/movie?  I could seriously make a looooong list of movies and characters I swear I’m same same same with. You know?! I can’t be alone in this…!

Oh hey everyone.

Here’s this week’s Sunday list:

1.) A car drove through the wall of my town’s library?

2.) I finally got to pick up the stuff I had waiting for me at the library today. The hole in the brick wall was covered by some wooden boards. It looked really, really safe/cute.

3.) Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, and Sara Bareilles sing directly from my own heart.

4.) I spent the entire day packing while hungover.

5.) The movers come tomorrow morning at 8am and the house is like… not done being packed up into boxes and shiz.

6.) I’m so excited for my hair appointment on Thursday.

7.) I really need Eclipse to be out on DVD. Like, yesterday. I watched New Moon one night last week and had many, many thoughts and a few questions. And luckily Erica understands how my brain works and didn’t even judge me for this gem: “And I’m fairly certain that Ashley Greene is a douche in real life so it’s fitting that she and Joe Jonas are togeth. They can be douchelords together.” Nor did she judge me for this one: “Why the fuck is Jasper so creepy?!” Or this one: “What is Esme’s importance in the saga? What does she bring to the table other than serving as a positive role model?” And this: “Also, Edward and Bella’s relationship is sooooo unhealthy.” And, finally, this most important thought: “Jacob is just too cute!”

I know. I need an Intervention.

8.) I found this while looking for my New Moon related texts I sent to Erica. I found this. And it’s the truth, so I’ll share this one too: “I really feel like I’m the dark and twisty Meredith and not the bright and shiny one. And it’s weird that I changed from Cristina to Meredith, but I just know I’m Meredith now.”

9.) I’m really tired.

10.) I had to perform the Heimlich Maneuver today!!! And I wanted to cry! It was scary. And the whole experience just reinforced the fact that I definitely do not possess the quality of “grace under fire” so the poor soul who ends up with me better possess that otherwise my life will be a mess.

Well, here’s to hoping that Tuesday brings more “together” me. I’m hoping to have some pictures of the move as it is in-progress to show you how things are going. Until then, my loves… until then. 🙂


So, as I told you earlier this week, I’m sick.

It’s really just a bad cold, but it’s completely wiped me out. And I can’t really breathe, so I’ve become a mouth-breather which both annoys and upsets me. I also basically have no voice, so that’s awesome. And when people interact with me, the know I’m sick and pretty much just want me to not touch, breathe on, or be near anything.

So today I just basked in my own sickness, pretty much.

I began my day with my “daily alarm” on my phone going off. I didn’t have to have a “daily alarm” today since I wasn’t going to work. This daily alarm very deeply confused me. It was still dark out and it was as if I lost all ability to read a clock. The numbers meant nothing to me. And then I couldn’t figure out what the noise was or how to make it stop. Finally, I figured it out and zonked back out. The meds I took before going to bed should have worn off by the time the alarm went off, but I was seriously confused.

I woke up and decided to watch Shakespeare in Love. I had never seen it before and let me just tell you this: I loooooved it. I decided that I must own that movie.

After I finished that movie, I thought I should probably work on my hygiene. I took a shower, mostly because I hoped that the steam from the shower would let me be able to breathe.

It should also be noted that the only good part about being sick is that it’s a perfectly legitimate excuse to do absolutely nothing but chill out and watch movies. All day long. There is no guilt associated with the degree of lazy being sick allows.  That’s the silver lining.

I watched a lot of tv today. I caught up on all the new tv shows that I have missed. There is way too much on tv for anyone to possibly be able to watch it when it’s actually on. I just have so many shows I would like to watch and not enough time to watch them all. Are you ready for my list?  Can you handle it?




I have nothing listed.


See?! It’s obscene! There’s no way I can watch all of that. PLUS, The Good Wife is coming back soon and I really, really like that show.  So that’ll be one more show I won’t have time to watch. Luckily, it’s possible to watch tv online. But still. Finding the time to do that is hard. Maybe I should hope to get more gnarly colds like this one. Because today has afforded me to watch a lot of tv today. I’m practically all caught-up.

What shows do you watch? Is your tv schedule as obscene as mine? What shows am I missing?!?!

I had a day off today. ‘Cause it’s Tuesday, and I usually have Tuesdays off.

Now that my mom’s house (the house I’ve lived in most of my life) is officially on the market, we’ve had a few showings so far. Today happened to be one of those days that we had a showing. It was to begin at 11 o’clock this morning. I was to do one last sweep of the house this morning and make sure everything was completely clean and everything was in its place.

I woke up and took a shower, then proceeded to get dressed. I picked up all the clothes from my floor and made my bed. It was while I was putting make up on that I realized that my vision was not right. I tried to ignore it; I didn’t want to think about what spotty vision might mean. I had experienced this before, a couple years ago, but wanted desperately not to acknowledge the possibility of what was coming.

Once I was dressed and ready, I still had some time before I needed to leave the house, so I did my once-over. I went through the bedrooms upstairs and turned the lights on and made sure Drew’s room didn’t smell like “sweaty boy” like it normally does while he’s home. Then I heard the doorbell ring.


False alarm. It was Lenny, our creepy, toothless Orkin Man. WTF. I wanted to be like, Lenny, didn’t my mom tell you not to come here until later today? But I didn’t. Instead, I went back to my room and fucked around on twitter and checked Perez Hilton. Then he came upstairs, came in my room and handed me a sheet of paper. I shoved it in my desk drawer and looked out the window to watch him leave.

I then gathered my belongings and headed to Hobby Lobby.  I needed to get picture frames for a certain little nugget’s glamour shots. I probably shouldn’t have been driving, though, because my vision was still fucked and I was now starting to feel like I was either going to pass out or throw up.  My head was killing me. It was while I was clutching onto a shelf at Hobby Lobby that I admitted to myself that I was experiencing a migraine.  I was pissed, too, because I really haven’t had one in a while. I did not need this!! Especially when I had no choice but to be homeless!! Did the lights need to be so bright??

It had just turned 11 o’clock as I was walking out of Hobby Lobby. I wanted to knife the people in my house. Instead, I went to starbucks, where Althea, the starbucks lady who calls me Kate, was training a newbie and told him that I always, always, always get a caramel macchiatto and that I am a regular. At starbucks, I was a hot damn mess.  All of the comfy chairs were taken, and I wanted to knife the ladies who were sitting in them. Didn’t they know I needed to curl up and die on one of those chairs?! I sat at a table for about 7 minutes then decided I would just go be a homeless person and sleep in my car.

But I knew I didn’t really want to sleep in my car, especially in such a public place. That’s shady. And I was wearing a dress. Awkward. So, I got behind the wheel again and drove in the direction of home.  Those people were still at my house so I circled the block once and drove aimlessly through the neighborhood until 11:20, when I noticed that they were gone.  I parked my car in the garage, ran inside, and threw up. At least it wasn’t on the floor. Then I crawled in my mom’s bed and zonked out for a couple hours.

My phone went off and woke me up. I got some water and stayed in bed. I started watching Grey’s Anatomy, season 1. I’m almost done with it. Soooo productive!

Today kinda blew.

So, I think I mentioned this before but my mom is building a house. Well, obviously she is not the one doing the hard labor and constructing a dwelling deemed livable. There’s just no way that could actually happen. But you know what I mean.

Because of this new house, my mom is basically a basketcase and walks around life like a ninny. (I really wanted to use that word!) She has been trying to get her house “ready to put on the market” which means making repairs and throwing all of our random shit away.

None of this would really be worthy of telling you about except it is now encroaching on my life. I have been told that I must pack up all of my childhood books and the rest of the crap in my bedroom that I haven’t taken with me anywhere. Okay, fine. I can do that. But the repairs?  At least give a girl some warning!

After a night out terrorizing East Lansing with a couple of my best gals, I awoke this morning at 6:50 am (ish) to hear my mother fluttering around the kitchen and down the hall as her heels clicked against the hardwood floor. I immediately rolled back over and continued right on sleeping. Much too early to be awake. THEN, a text woke me up (thanks a lot, Nikki- lol just kidding! love you!) around 9:30 am or something. I deemed this a suitable time to rise. So after texting back and forth a for a while, apologizing to a couple people I happened to inappropriately drunk-text, and deciding I needed to watch an episode of Dawson’s Creek, I heard someone walkin’ around downstairs. I assumed it was my mom. (I have this joke with her lately that she just never goes to work anymore- but it’s totally a joke. She does go to work. And she loves her job. FYI. hahaha)

So, because I assumed it was my mom, I got out of bed, opened my door and took a first few tentative steps out into the loft before saying something snarky to Tam (my mom) about how she’s a slacker and never goes to work.

Oh. It totally wasn’t my mom. Whoever it was totally heard me get up and was like, “HELLO!?!”

Uhm. That’s a man-voice. WTF?!

Uhm. Hello?

WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE SAID?! (Maybe I should have gone with something like “WHO DERE?!” bahahaha at least I crack myself up…)

“I’m John,” said the odd man in my home.

Suddenly, I was thankful I put pants on. I almost didn’t!

Uuuuuum, I’m Katie?

“I’m just putting up some drywall here for your mother?”

This is when I just retreated towards my room. I would hide until he was gone. My hair was huge and completely weird shaped. The X drawn on my hand in permanent marker from the bar last night was probably now transferred to my cheek. I didn’t need to know what this man looked like or what he was doing. Just. Go. Away. But he sounded busy, so I figured I’d wait it out.

Oh. Okay.

I hightailed it back to my room, closed the door, took my pants back off, and crawled back into bed. I texted my mom “it’s not awkward at all with this random man in my house or anything…” but she didn’t care enough about me to text me back.

It seemed like I was waiting forever. After an episode of Dawson’s Creek that I pretty much slept through, I decided I couldn’t live like a prisoner in my own home anymore. So I grabbed my clothes and tip-toed to the bathroom. After showering and getting dressed, I got the f outta there and ran my very-important errands. Yeah, right. I basically invented a reason to gtfo of my house for at least an hour.



meredith grey knows what's up

So, I went right along with it. I pretended this morning never happened, just like the annoying thing that happened last night. And the awkward thing that happened yesterday after work.  If Santa can handle avoidance behavior, then I’m just gonna continue living my life “under a banner of avoidance.” Really, this just instills in me the idea that being “dark and twisty” and an avoider is okay. This all just really reinforces my belief that if I’m any one character from Grey’s Anatomy, it is indeed Meredith. And if you watch that show, she’s not exactly… stable. But whatever, she gets help and becomes bright and shiny. Maybe someday I’ll be bright and shiny Meredith too. Change does happen, you know. I used to be very Cristina, but as I just told you, I’m not so much anymore.

This got very off-topic. Where was I?

Oh yes. Santa. (Sidenote:  As I was writing Santa, I almost wrote Satan. Interesting.)

Santa Claus just continued on merrily, putting up drywall or something. And then he finally left, but not before asking me if it was okay to leave his ladder here since he would be returning at 9 am tomorrow morning.

I can’t wait. Maybe I’ll ask him for a pony tomorrow. Or maybe not since horses freak me out.

Oh, I know. I’ll ask him for a boyfriend an *NSYNC reunion tour! Ooh, or for Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears to bury the hatchet and get their love-fest back on. Or for Mel Gibson to not be so terrible and make him go away. (I could do this forever.)