Tag Archive: cats

I generally disagree with people dressing their pets like they are little children or dolls.

I just think it’s unnecessary. And it’s not very nice, because, you know, the animals probably hate it.

I mean, tried to put socks on my dog one time. As much as I loved how hilarious it was to watch him try to walk, he hated it.

And another time I put a shirt on him.He peed on the shirt.

But this was the truth: each time I tried to dress him like a little person, he was not amused.

Except when I did this:

Okay, so he didn't really mind the dress.... But he totally slobered allllll over that soccer ball.

And there’s this:

This pic is adorbzzzz

Seriously,he’s not even the tiniest bit bothered by that life-jacket! In fact, he looks goooood.

My point is, generally, when I see animals wearing clothes, I feel sad for them. They have no control over it. Their owner wills for them to wear clothes and it just has to happen. Sad Face. I always just want to be like, No no no! Take that biker jacket off your cat! Take that sweater off your West Highland Terrier!

But then I saw this. I stumbled upon it when I was bored on my computer and multi-tasking (read: watching The West Wing).

All KINDS of amazing

You must visit this site to understand how spectacular this truly is.

Watch the video. I’m telling you. It’s worth it.

That is all.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at my house.

And by “all of us” I mean Me, Grandma and Mom. And Stella, my satanic, life-ruiner of  a cat.

I did, however, learn something about Stella this week.

Lately, Tam has been been talking an awful lot about a neighbor’s cat who comes to visit Stella. It’s not that I didn’t believe her; I mean, sure, the cat probably does exist. I did, however, question the validity of her statements regarding Stella’s behavior towards this cat. I highly doubted that Stella even entertained the idea of having a little kitty friend, what, with her being a little bitch about everything.

Stella is not social. She is not going to just walk up to the window and become friends with this rando neighbor cat who sits on our front steps by the window and stares into the house, waiting for her.

That was exactly what Tam was saying was happening. She said our little brat of a cat had a boyfriend.

So right before I left to go celebrate the biggest bar night of the year with my girlfriends, Tam called for me to come quietly and watch as Stella spent time with her boyfriend. I crept up the steps and observed Stella sitting by the window, facing a big-ass white cat with the cutest little gray face.

It seemed I was incorrect in my assumption that Stella was incapable of having a friend.

It was precious. And Tam is convinced that this precious kitty cat friend of Stella’s is a boy but I don’t know how she could possibly know.

What I like best is that Stella is pretty much one of those princesses trapped in a tower. She can’t be an indoor/outdoor cat anymore because we are afraid she will get lost since she is unfamiliar with her new surroundings since we moved.  So, she just sits inside and has suitors come to her.

I forget the purpose of telling you this story about Stella. It was not at all related to Thanksgiving.


Well, happy thanksgiving to you and yours all the same. 🙂

While we were in Philadelphia this weekend, I was reminded of something I love.

Something I simply cannot get enough of.

Something I wish I could constantly have in my life.

Something that just doesn’t get old.

Rob, a friend from college who now is all fancy and lives in New York City, met up with Erica and I in Philadelphia. He is the reason I am going through withdrawal. On two counts. Rude.

Robby & I after graduation! Go Green!

First of all, I hate him for making me love him and then leaving to go live a fancy life so far away.

Second, I hate him for reminding me of my love of Play by Givenchy and Justin Timberlake. It’s like THE BEST SMELL EVER. For men.

Robby wears Play. And I smelled him last weekend and fell in love all over again. (With him. And with Play.)

I remember clear as day the first time I smelled it. I shit you not. It’s, like, locked in my memory. I was flipping through Cosmo like MONTHS ago.

(Side note: I would just like to say that yes, I do subscribe to Cosmo. But it should also be noted that Drew usually got to it before I did. And sometimes Sully. Yes, Drew, you can be embarrassed that I announced it on my blog. Because the viewership has increased since I started it in June. And your secrets just keep spilling out of me. LAHV YEW!! That totally just reminded me of Mean Girls . You know, the part where all the girls are in the gym doing trust falls? And Karen apologizes to Gretchen for laughing at her for the time she got diarrhea at Barnes & Noble, and that she was sorry for repeating the story in front of everyone right then. Omg. That movie is genius. I love you, Tina Fey.)


Gosh, my ADD really needs to chill out.

Okay. I was “reading” Cosmo and all of a sudden it was like BAM!! HELLO BEST SMELL EVER!!! So you can bet your bottom dollar that I ripped open that tiny little flap of paper to sniff the tester page of this fragrance.  And when I looked to see what it was that I had pressed against my face, I saw Justin Timberlake. DOUBLE WIN!


This stuff is like catnip to me.

I smell it and just… want to breathe more than normal.

I cannot describe to you what it smells like, nor can I explain to you the degree to which I love this smell. It’s just amazing. And if I smelled it in real life, I would probably be embarrassed by my response to it.

It’s that good.

And every time Rob would walk by after he put it on, I just followed behind him sniffing the air he left.

Cannot. Get. Enough.

So, pretty much, I’m obsessed again.

Thanks a lot, Rob. Oh, and you too, Justin Timberlake. You just had to go ahead and render me completely out of my mind at the smell of the sexiest man-smell ever.

Oh, I doubt I need to make this disclaimer but, um, I haven’t been compensated in any way to plug this product. It just smells really, really good. And when I was cleaning up my closet and saw all of my perfumes, I thought of the one smell I wished I could smell at any given moment.

I need a boyfriend. So he can wear this. And I can behave like a cat that was recently given catnip. Or something??

Cats are funny.



While we were in Philadelphia this weekend, I was reminded of something I love.

Something I simply cannot get enough of.

Something I wish I could constantly have in my life.

Something that just doesn’t get old.

Rob, a friend from college who now is all fancy and lives in New York City, met up with Erica and I in Philadelphia. He is the reason I am going through withdrawal. On two counts. Rude.

my room is still a mess. my desk stresses me out because I don’t know how to organize it.

I’m exhausted. My body hurts. All I want to do is sleep. My body heat keeps fluctuating so I can never decide if I’m hot or cold.

This whole move has been a roller coaster. There were times yesterday I was ready to punch someone in the face. But mostly I was excited and pretty nice to everyone.

This week of vacation doesn’t feel like “vacation.” It really just feels like “stress-city,” which I don’t really appreciate.

"This box just says miscellaneous. Does that mean bedroom miscellaneous or kitchen miscellaneous?" Yes, The American President does apply to everything in life.

Stella, aka Satan’s spawn, is freaked the eff out. She was a hot mess in the car on the way to the new house and then was too scared to do anything other than hide behind her litter box. She’s a weird cat.

The house is gorgeous and everything is coming together. Moving is a process.

I’ll post more pictures Thursday, probably. I’ll also maybe show you what my haircut looks like. Maybe. If you’re good.

I just can’t do any thinking tonight. I’m too tired. I’m going to go to bed. Yeah.  Super early.

What? It’s sexy.

I slept like a baby last night. (Why is that an expression? Babies are terrible sleepers. Just ask anyone who has an infant.) (I guess what I’m trying to say is that I slept really, really well last night.)

I think it had something to do with the fact that I didn’t sleep alone, like I had the previous two nights.

Something just wasn’t right the nights before. I missed having someone to hang onto, snuggle up to. But alas, he returned last night and I wasn’t alone anymore.

He’s the perfect sleeping companion; he doesn’t snore or breathe too loud. He doesn’t steal all the covers  or hog the entire bed. He doesn’t kick in the dead of night and give me bruises all over. He doesn’t breathe on my neck and create so much body heat that I feel like I’m in a sweat lodge, ready to die and/or hallucinate. He’s also a complete gentleman (read: he doesn’t grope me or try to make me have sex when I don’t feel like it).

Okay. I know you wanna know who this diamond in the rough is. You’re just dyingggg. Well, my lovelies, I’ll tell you.


isn't he precious??

LP stands for Little Pillow. He’s little. He’s a pillow. Makes sense.

I took pictures of him with his clothes on, even though Leah likes to make him naked and steal him.  (Or put him in her shirt and pretend her eggo is preggo and let me take glamour shots of it.) Drew likes to take LP away from me and hide him. And punch him so he’s not as fluffy. It breaks my cold, black heart.

the scariest cat ever.

SO. I remembered that I had had to wash him because Stella is evil and was mad at me and peed on my bed two nights ago. Again. Sick. (She is evil and one of those cats that would smother you in your sleep and suck the life right out of you.) That little bitch is nottttt allowed in my room and I curse her existence any time I see her .You would think she’d get the hint… (maybe that’s why she does this to me??) Anyway, despite not actually being peed on, LP was close enough that I was like, listen, buddy, there’s no way. You gotta get yourself cleaned up before you can get close to thissssssss. So I washed him and then forgot about him.  He basically just hung out in the dryer for two days. NBD.

But THEN I remembered that he was indeed in the dryer, all clean and not smelling like cat pee (which, by the way, is the most disgusting smell EVER.) so I went and got him. It was a SQUEEEEE! moment. Reeeeuniiiited and it feeeeeels so gooooood!!! He was the fluffiest I had EVER seen him. It was glorious.

I immediately went to show Drew, who was already in bed, giggling like a little girl to video highlights from the world cup (I don’t understand sports?).

Oh my gawd, Drew, look at LP! He’s so fluuuuuuuffy! Ewe’s not fat, ewe’s just fluffy!

???? *unamused face*

LOOK at him!

What the fuck is wrong with you? And why are you not wearing pants?!

I didn’t respond, I just hugged LP closer. (He was naked. LP was. Not Drew. Thought I’d make the clarification.) Plus, Drew should be used to me not wearing pants at this point in our lives.

Drew held out his hand, like he wanted me to hand over LP.

Dude. I know better. You’re gonna punch him and make him less fluffy. Or you’ll rub your sack on him. Not happening.

I promise I won’t. I just want to see how fluffy he is.

I don’t trust you.

Katie, I promise. Let me see him.

Okay. (I’m retarded.)

Drew squeezed him and punched him several times before I could rip LP from his grip. 😦

just for the sake of comparison. LP is on the left, all cute and tiny. And on the right is a regular sized, fancy pillow. All huge. And not as cute.