Tag Archive: stripped

There are just some songs that stick with you sometimes, you know? The ones that replay in your head over and over again. The ones that you can listen to endlessly and never get sick of.

Dude. I totally have one of those right now.

This love affair has lasted longer than I can even remember. I don’t know the first time I heard the song but I’m fairly certain that I was like oh em gee, more please! the first time I heard it.

I saw the video for it and decided I would still love the song despite the fact that the video elicits the following reaction: uhm, what the fuck?

Any guesses?

Whatever, I’ll tell you. Just a Dream by Nelly.

What I love about it is that new Nelly sounds like old Nelly, which I think is great.  If only Christina Aguilera would go back to the days of What a Girl Wants or the entire Stripped album. Ugh.

Anyway, the best part about Just a Dream is this cover I found by these youtubers I am slightly obsessed with. Kurt Schneider and Sam Tsui do covers and make videos of all kinds of stuff and every single one is good. Even though Sam reminds me of a Disney Prince of some sort. He smiles all the damn time! Love love love!!

I especially love when Christina sings. Her voice is so so so so good. Oh, and the Usher part about not being able to let it burn, obviously. And the part where you have to put your hands up if you’ve ever loved somebody. I do it even though I haven’t been in love. Not for real.

And that time I did tell someone I loved him, I totally lied. Because, hello, it’s rude to not say it when someone expects you to say it. And apparently I’m a people-pleaser?! Dick move, self. Whatever.

It’s just that love is pretty much just fucked. And, while it’s a precious concept and I do wish that two people really could be together forever and stuff, let’s get real, it just doesn’t really exist.

Except for in the case of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Love exists for them.

Ugh. I suppose I can save my bitter cynicism for another day.

Hope your President’s Day-weekend is/was excellent. I have tomorrow off from work for the holiday. Win. I plan on sleeping in. In my own bed.

Sometimes, when I’m on the phone and I hear a recorded message or the automated lady go through her whole script, I can’t help but wish I was the voice for those things.

I also really enjoy voice-overs. I especially enjoy the voice-overs where I can identify the actor doing the voice-over. For example, I just saw a commercial for sims3 and Jeremy Piven is totally the voice behind that commercial. Or how John Corbett (Aidan from Sex and the City) does the voice-over for Applebees.  Or how I swear I hear Tim Allen’s voice EVERYWHERE.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not mad about it. At all. Seriously. I love Tim Allen.

But for realz, he is the voice of everything. He’s everywhere. The Pure Michigan commercials (on the radio) and he does some car commercial voice over. I swear he does other stuff but every time I try to point it out to people, they’re just like ohhh, I guess I didn’t notice, or oh, I don’t really know his voice very well.

I wish people would just agree with me and be like, Wow, Kate, you’re right. That was Tim Allen. You really have an ear for Tim Allen’s voice. What a weird and awesome talent you have there!

I enjoy Tim Allen’s voice. It’s soothing. And comforting. And it’s just a good voice to listen to. So like I said before, I’m not complaining that I hear his voice everywhere. I like it. More voice-overs from Tim Allen, I say. In fact, he should do audiobooks. Shit, I would read/listen to any book he was reading to me. I’d pretend he was tucking me in for a bedtime story. Except, now that I think about that I’m a little creeped out. I’m in my 20s. He’s my dad’s age. I don’t need to be tucked into bed anymore by anyone. Nor does someone need to read me a bedtime story (except when it’s Alecia, and it’s not so much bedtime-story-reading as it is we’re-on-a-three-day-road-trip-and-need-something-to-pass-the-time-in-the-car-’cause-she-can’t-stand-me-singing-showtunes-anymore.)

I just wonder if it’s his goal to take over all voice-over jobs out there. Then he could be like BAM! I really AM everywhere. Win. And he should consider it a win, because that means he would have beat out everyone else for that job. Even John Corbett, who has a great voice too. It’s friendly and nice to listen to.

But when I hear his voice, I think of this:

I always just think of a really, really happy dog. Just runnin' and playin', livin' the dream!

I mean, I really like dogs, so don’t get me wrong. I’m totally a dog person (in case you weren’t sure. Or the hatred I have towards my own cat hasn’t been made clear by this point. Cat people are weird. HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE/WANT A DOG?! THEY’RE PRECIOUS! Cats are mean and judgy. Rude.) It’s not a bad thing that that’s what I think of when I hear his voice. I just feel like it’s kind of a random thing to picture. Whatevs. Picturing a cute little puppy running through the grass happy as a clam is probably better than what I think of (only sometimes, and it usually never happens) when I hear Tim Allen’s voice:

I love everything about his mugshot! lolz

I mean, really, it’s pretty great.

And to think he’s Santa Claus.

Speaking of Santa Claus, maybe I’ll watch those movies now!